Monday, February 28, 2011

Monday again

 Today's word - Rain. (or Gloom, take your pick). It has been rainy and stormy since last night.
fire keeping us warm.
baby's new "toy" - her car seat. She has been playing in it since yesterday morning
chores waiting to be done

preparing crock pot chili

thinking hard

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Today's word - Love
We spent the morning getting ready for the wedding of my niece to a wonderful young man.
snacks before we go
finish wrapping the gift

a nap for baby before we go

mom's snack
which dress to wear?
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Friday, February 25, 2011


Today's word - excitement!
We drove to the airport to pick up cousins. Tomorrow is the wedding!

Miss M in the van

enduring the long drive to the airport

K and S hanging at the baggage claim
a gorgeous mountain outside our airport

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Today's word - relaxed.
When snow falls, other schedules get changed. The world is quiet and peaceful.
snack before ballet

playing in the snow

one of the Awana grand prix cars, almost done!

snack time

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Today's word Scatterbrained. Not that these pictures have anything to do with that though.

fixing the hair before we go
brushing baby's teeth - a family job

ow! she bit me (while brushing her teeth)
I had to capture a moment of time earlier than 10:38 today because at that time, we were in Bible study. And stopping the discussion of Rachel and Leah to stand up and take a photo ... well I just didn't want to be that disruptive this morning.
Now back to scatterbrained. This morning I left the house. Forgot the phone, went back in. Forgot the pacifier, grab it quick. Drove down to the church. Realized I had left my book and Bible on the counter. Why go to discussion without the material!? Thankfully we live close enough that I just drove back for the books, and made it only a couple of minutes late.
I think I need more sleep.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tuesday Feb 22

 Today's word: Busy.
The boy, hard at work on school
The mess a baby can make in seconds. Notice her crawling away when she sees me coming.

The girls, hard at work on their schoolwork

laundry waiting to be folded. again.

baking going on - graham crackers today

another mess to make - shredding and eating a paper napkin